

81 Uppsatser om Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction - Sida 1 av 6

Endogent förhöjda plasmakortisolnivåer vs fång

Syftet med detta arbete är att ge en översikt om vad som publicerats avseende patogenes, symptom och diagnosticering av PPID samt översiktligt korrelera PPID till patogenes och behandling vid fång. Hypofysen delas in i neurohypofysen och adenohypofysen, som i sin tur är uppdelad i pars distalis, pars intermedia och pars tuberalis. Hypotalamus reglerar en del av hypofysens hormonproduktion, genom frisättning av corticotropin releasing homone (CRH) och dopamin som transporteras via hypofysstjälk och blodkärl. I Hypofysen initieras respektive hämmas syntesen av hormon som ACTH. ACTH stimulerar i sin tur frisättning av kortisol från endokrina celler i binjurebarken. Kortisol fungerar sedan som en negativ feedback signal som inhiberar både sekretionen av CRH och ACTH. Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, ofta inkorrekt kallat Cushing?s Syndrome) är rapporterat hos hästar över 12 år, med ökad incidens hos hästar över 20 år.

Diagnostik av hypofysär pars intermediadysfunktion (PPID) hos häst : med en retrospektiv studie över 289 dexametasonhämningstest

Flera av de metoder som används för att diagnostisera hypofysär pars intermedia dysfunktion (PPID) bygger på att mäta hormonnivåer, framför allt kortisol eller ACTH, i plasma. Det har dock visat sig att tolkningen av testerna kan vara osäker delvis på grund av att utsöndringen av dessa hormoner normalt varierar under året. I litteraturstudien presenteras metoder som används för diagnostisera PPID idag och metoder som studeras för att få en möjlighet till säkrare diagnosställande. I detta examensarbete sammanställs resultaten från drygt fem års dexametasonhämningstester (DT) som utförts i Sverige och som analyserats av Klinisk kemiska laboratoriet, Universitetsdjursjukhuset Uppsala (UDS). Etthundra enkäter angående de hästar med plasmakortisolvärden ovan 10 nmol/l men under 100 nmol/l skickades ut till ansvarig veterinär för att utreda om resultatet på testet verkade överensstämma med den slutliga diagnosen.

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and perinatal treatment of premature foals

The danger and vulnerability associated with a preterm birth seem to be closely correlated with a dysfunction of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, whose maturation in the foal is without a doubt as delicate as it is important. Not only is this endocrine cascade vital for the foal in order to cope with neonatal stress, it also appears to be fundamental for the final fetal intrauterine maturation, as well as for the onset of foaling. Equine gestation exhibits some rather unique features, indicating a somewhat different significance of the endocrine changes associated with HPA maturation, compared to many other species. This hormonal cascade is rapid and confined to a narrow time during late gestation in the horse, and the risk of the foal completely missing it therefore becomes prominent. Induced parturition in the mare may be operated through uterotonic agents, which occasionally bring about premature foals. Desirable seems the ability to initiate equine labour while simultaneously enhancing fetal HPA maturation, as in humans and ruminants through perinatal glucocorticoid administration. However, similar treatment in the horse has resulted in various, sometimes fatal, outcomes. In the light of the distinctive features of equine gestation, difficulties are encountered following such administration of glucocorticoids and ACTH.

Flavan-3-oler och endotel -dysfunktion

Background: Flavan-3-ols are polyphenolic phytochemicals belonging to the flavonoids. Flavan-3-ols are present in many higher plants and are particularly concentrated in e.g. Camellia sinensis (tea) and Theobroma cacao (cacao) and have got attention due to their antioxidative capacity. Many studies have been able to associate flavan-3-ol-rich foods to improved endothelial function. The aim of the present work is to review the scientific literature and evaluate the evidence for positive effects of flavan-3-ols on endothelial dysfunction in humans. Method: Scientific articles describing intervention and observational studies about flavan-3-ols and endothelial dysfunction, were searched for on http://www.pubmed.org.

Tjuvögon och långskallar : Skolpersonals beskrivning av erfarenheter och ansvar kring barn med sociala problem

The purpose of this study was to investigate how pupils with social dysfunction were defined and described and how the responsibility of the school concerning the needs of these pupils was apprehended. For this matter, in depth interviews with four headmasters and four teachers at three different schools were carried out.The possibilities to help pupils with social dysfunction were regarded as limited due to limited resources. The school can be described, as a huge refined apparatus of classification where some children very early are eliminated and there does not appear to exist any back up plan for these individuals. In this respect the function of the school is very similar to that of yesterdays school where the elimination process worked just as well, the denotations change but the problems remain the same.The material used in this study is too small to make general conclusions but the results give some indication of the problems of the interaction between the school and its staff and pupils with social dysfunction. We strongly believe that the results warrants further investigation as to in what way the school can improve in helping pupils with social dysfunction..

King Kopetzky syndrome - En beskrivande litteraturstudie om möjliga bakomliggande orsaker och rehabilitering

KKS includes difficulties hearing speech in background noise although results from pure toneaudiometry are normal. The condition is also called ?Obscure Audiotory Dysfunction? and?Auditory disability with normal hearing?. KKS affects a heterogeneous group. We believethere is a need for synthesis of existing studies to acknowledge the condition in Sweden toimprove rehabilitation for the affected individuals.

Bäddat för trubbel? : En studie om pars konflikter med fokus på tillit, skam och genus

Den här studien avser att, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med par, besvara frågan om hur vi kan förståpars konflikter och hanteringen av dessa utifrån begreppen tillit, skam och genus. Begreppen syftartill att ge en kompletterad förståelse för pars konflikter på mikronivå, samt till att kontextualiseradessa i förhållande till en samhällelig genus- och tvåsamhetsnorm. Konflikter i parrelationer är attbetrakta som nödvändiga och deras inverkan på relationen handlar om hur de hanteras, samt om hurparet interagerar överlag. Tillit tycks ha en preventiv funktion vad gäller konflikthantering ochrelationens tillstånd, och leder vidare till s.k. optimal differentiering, enligt vilken partnerna uppnårbalans mellan individuella och relationella behov.

Förnöjelse i en Kärleksrelation

Huvudsyftet med studien var att undersöka olika faktorers betydelse för tillfredsställelsen i en kärleksrelation. Framförallt; anknytning, konflikt och copingstilar, samt inre/yttre sexuell locus of control, relationsfaktorer, spillovereffekt; påverkan mellan partners relationstillfredsställelse och konfigurationen av pars anknytningsstilar. Dessutom undersöktes om det fanns en gemensam underliggande struktur inom anknytning, konflikt och copingstilar. 106 personer (52 par) besvarade en enkät rörande de olika områdena. Faktoranalys visade 60 % total gemensam varians för anknytning, konflikt och copingstilar, de tre presenterade faktorerna benämns som generella copingstilar; -flexibel, -ångestrelaterad och -undvikande.

Övervakning av ston i sen dräktighet genom transrektal ultraljudsundersökning av placentan :

Abortion during late gestation is often caused by placental dysfunction such as placentitis. To prevent this from happening the placenta can be monitored pre partum so treatment can be started at an early stage. Methods for monitoring the placenta include hormonal monitoring, presence of clinical signs of placental dysfunction and ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus and the placenta. Transrectal ultrasonography provides a very good image of the caudal portion of the allantochorion where an ascending placentitis normally establishes. An increased combined thickness of the uterus and the placenta, CTUP, has been associated with placental failure. This study included ten Swedish standardbred trotter mares in late gestation. They were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography of the placenta two times with approximately a month in between. CTUP was measured on each examination.

Axelrehabilitering med fokus på Serratus Anterior : en systematisk litteraturstudie av EMG-studier

AimThe aim of this study was to, through a systematic literature review of evidence based electromyographic (EMG) studies, identify specific exercises for rehabilitation of the Serratus Anterior muscle. The research questions were: ?Which exercises can be recommended to use to activate the Serratus Anterior?? and ?Are the recommended exercises altered between studies on individuals with and without shoulder dysfunction??. MethodThe method was a systematic literature review. First the study aim and research questions were formulated. A research protocol was then formulated with inclusion and exclusion criteria and search terms.

Upplevelser av nedsatt sväljningsförmåga hos personer med dysfagi till följd av stroke

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in Sweden and the third most common cause of death (National guidelines concerning stroke, 2000). Dysphagia is a common problem for stroke patients with almost 50 percent of patients suffering from severe swallowing dysfunction (Axelsson, Asplund, Norberg & Eriksson, 1989). The purpose of this study was to investigate how stroke patients with dysphagia experience their swallowing disorders. The method used was a qualitative literature study. An analysis of content was carried out using ideas and inspiration from Graneheim and Lundman (2003).

Omvårdnad av den geriatriska hunden

Due to progresses constantly being made in veterinary medicine combined with increasing knowledge in pet owners, the dogs of today gets older than before. The population of geriatric dogs is there for constantly growing, which makes them an important group of patients on small animal clinics and hospitals. As dogs age, so do their interior organs. Geriatric dogs are prone to several diseases and in this text the author has decided to focus on three of the most common: Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), cancer and osteoarthritis (AO). All of these illnesses are incurable in dogs, but it is important to remember that they are still treatable.

Upplevelser av nedsatt sväljningsförmåga hos personer med dysfagi till följd av stroke

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in Sweden and the third most common cause of death (National guidelines concerning stroke, 2000). Dysphagia is a common problem for stroke patients with almost 50 percent of patients suffering from severe swallowing dysfunction (Axelsson, Asplund, Norberg & Eriksson, 1989). The purpose of this study was to investigate how stroke patients with dysphagia experience their swallowing disorders. The method used was a qualitative literature study. An analysis of content was carried out using ideas and inspiration from Graneheim and Lundman (2003).

Dynamic obstructions of the equine upper respiratory tract

Dysfunction of the upper respiratory tract is a common cause of impaired performance and intolerance to exercise in racehorses and include several upper airway obstructions. The ones termed dynamic obstructions are primarily seen during physical exertion and affected horses often appear to be normal during endoscope examination at rest. The correlation between diagnoses made at rest respectively exercise is low, suggesting that an examination at rest alone is likely to be insufficient. The upper respiratory tract is exposed to great differences in pressure throughout the respiratory cycle; variations that are further altered during strenuous exercise and affect the rigidity of upper airway structures. In presence of great fluctuations in pressure, stability is achieved through coordinated and synchronous neuromuscular mechanisms. Due to nerve damage or anatomical abnormalities, these functions may be disrupted and further cause a dynamic collapse of the upper respiratory tract when pressure changes become too severe. The etiology behind the neuromuscular dysfunction is not yet fully understood.

Äggstockscysta hos mjölkkor

The presence of cystic ovarian follicles represents an important ovarian dysfunction and is a major cause of reproductive failure in dairy cattle. A cystic ovarian follicle is a persistent follicular-like structure on one or both of the ovaries. It is at least 2,5cm in diameter and it has to persist for at least ten days while a corpus luteum is missing. There are two kinds of cystic ovarian follicles, those who have a progesterone production and those who have not. A clear definition for this condition is lacking, probably because the heterogeneity of the clinical signs and the complexity of the disorder.

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